Herbal medicine is the oldest and most widely used system of medicine in the world, there is evidence to show plants being used as medicine as far back as the paleolithic, by the Sumarians 5,000 yrs ago, the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Chinese and in Ancient India.
Traditional plant-based medicine is also still the only form of medicine used by some remote tribal groups today, and many orthodox medicines today find their origins in plants.
Simply put Herbal medicine refers to the use of plants for healing purposes and an herbalist as the person who works with the plants and individuals to allow healing to occur. However herbal medicine refers to more than simply the matching of plants to symptom patterns.
The herbalist and individuals work together holistically to try to determine the underlying root cause for the symptom pattern being displayed and from there to formulate an individual treatment plan to address the underlying causes of imbalance and support the individual as a whole to adjust and realign and bring the body, mind and spirit back into balance and therefore aim to achieve optimum health.
Who Can Herbal Medicine Help?
Herbal medicine is suitable for people of all ages and children tend to respond particularly well to the gentle actions of the herbs.
If you would like some more information or would like to find out if Herbal Medicine can be of help to you please get in touch.
Your initial consultation will last between 1 hour and 1.5 hours, where we will work together to build a picture of your health and well being and identify your personal health goals. This will involve:
From here we work to determine the underlying cause of your illness and formulate a personalised treatment plan. This may include herbal tinctures, teas or creams and guidance and information relating to appropriate dietary and lifestyle changes.
Follow up appointments are usually scheduled two weeks after your first appointment and then monthly, these generally last half an hour and can be conducted via Zoom if required, telephone appointments are also possible if considered suitable.
I also offer general wellness appointments to review diet and lifestyle and support your immune system with herbs, and mini consultations for minor ailments (30mins).
After your initial consultation, three or four shorter consultations are usually necessary to assess your progress, with further check-ups every three to six months. This protocol may vary, as each individual is unique and will respond differently to herbal treatment. Because herbal medicines work in a gentle and subtle way, they can take longer to work than orthodox drugs, but their effects are long lasting and there should be no side effects.
Consultation Fees
Initial Consultation (including treatment plan 1-1.5hrs ) – £65
Follow-up Consultation (30mins) – £35
Concessions (1-1.5hrs initial consultation) - £45
Follow up (30mins) - £25
Children (under 16) – £30
Mini Consultation (30mins) – £35
Herbal Medicines
Tinctures/Syrups – £10 per 100ml*
Teas (prescribed) – £10 per 100g (approx)*
Creams – From £6 for 30g
Dispensing fee (repeat prescriptions) – £8
Postage – From £5
* a weekly prescription costs on average £10 for 100ml tincture or 100g herbal tea blend.
* Prices may vary on prescription tea blends dependent on the costs of specific herbs used.
* All bottles and jars can be recycled and I am very happy for you to return these to me for recycling.
Cancellation Policy
I would appreciate if you could contact me to let me know at least 48 hours prior to your appointment if you need to cancel or re-arrange for any reason as I may have to charge 50% of the full fee due to costs involved.
All patient information is confidential and is not disclosed to any person or business. View my
privacy policy